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Sailor Mercury's Bio



N.A. Name: Amy Anderson

Japanese Name: Mizuno Ami

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Birthday: September 10

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: A

Fav. Color: Blue

Hobbies: Studying and Chess

Fav. Food: Sandwiches

Least Fav. Food: Yellow-Tale-Tuna

Fav. Subject: Math

Worst Subject: None

Has Trouble With:

Strong Points: Amy is always coming up with plans

Dream: To be a Doctor

Fav. Gemstone: Sapphire

Sailor Mercury (Mercury Power)
                          (Mercury Star Power)
Super Sailor Mercury (Mercury Crystal Power)
Princess Amy of Mercury

Sailor Mercury
     Mercury Bubbles Blast
     Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze
     Mercury Ice Storm Blast
     Shine Aqua Illusion
Super Sailor Moon
     Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

Other Abilities: Mercury has a computer and visor that enables her to analize things.

Playing: Kiss Me